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Legal Notice

Versión en Español



The terms of use presented herein (hereinafter the TERMS OF USE) constitute the agreement between MULTIMEDIOS, S.A. de C.V. (hereinafter GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS) and any user of the SERVICE.

The use of the SERVICES by any person, assigns to him/her the capacity of user (hereinafter the USER) and this implies his/her full and unconditional adherence to these TERMS OF USE, consequently it is indispensable that the USER reads them in advance and evaluates them carefully, in such a way that he/she is aware that he/she is subjecting to them and to the modifications they may suffer, whenever he/she accesses the SITE.

If at any time the USER does not agree in full or in part with these TERMS OF USE, he/she must immediately refrain from using any parts or sections of the SITE.

The USER agrees that in various parts of the SITE there may be special covenants that, as the case may be, will replace, supplement and/or modify the TERMS OF USE (hereinafter the PARTICULAR CONDITIONS), for this reason it is also indispensable that the USER reads them in advance in each case and if he/she is not in agreement, in full or in part, with it or them, he/she shall refrain from using the part or section of the SITE governed by such CONDITION or PARTICULAR CONDITION(S). In the event the USER uses the part of the SITE governed by one or more PARTICULAR CONDITIONS, it shall be understood that he/she subjects to them in full and unconditionally.



Through the SERVICE, GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS facilitates that USERS get access to various kinds of information provided by GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS or by persons directly or indirectly linked to it (hereinafter the “CONTENT”). The USER acknowledges that the use of the SITE does not imply granting him/her any property right over it, over any of its elements or the CONTENT. GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS reserves the right to modify at any time and without prior notice the appearance, configuration, information, CONTENT and in general any part or aspect relating, directly or indirectly, to the SITE.



The USER shall be bound to register in the SITE, under the conditions set forth by GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS.



The USER agrees to use the SITE and the CONTENT in accordance with applicable laws, the provisions of these TERMS OF USE and respecting the public order. The USER agrees to use the SITE and any CONTENT or aspect related to it, in a way that does not harm the rights or interests of GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS, or of the persons directly or indirectly linked to it or of third parties. THE USER shall use the SITE and/or the CONTENT in a way that he/she does not damage, disable, deteriorate or impair them in whole or in part.



The USER shall refrain from obtaining or attempting to obtain information, messages, graphics, drawings, audio and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software and in general, any kind of material accessible through the SITE or the CONTENT. The CONTENT and the elements found in the SITE may be used using only the means or procedures set forth in it.



The USER agrees to use the CONTENT and the elements used in the SITE diligently, correctly and lawfully, and in particular, agrees to refrain from: (a) using the CONTENT in a manner, for purposes or effects, contrary to the law, public order and that provided for by GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS with respect to the use of this SITE; (b) copying, disseminating, modifying, reproducing, distributing or using in any manner whatsoever, for profit or not, the CONTENT and the elements used in the SITE, without the express written authorization of GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS; (c) modifying or manipulating the marks, logos, trademarks, trade names and distinctive signs in general of GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS, of the SITE or of the persons directly or indirectly linked to GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS (without its written authorization), (d) deleting, circumventing or modifying the CONTENT and the elements used in the SITE, as well as the technical protection devices, or any mechanism or procedure implemented in the SITE.

GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS states that all of the CONTENT and the elements used in the SITE are duly registered and protected by the corresponding authorities and laws in Mexico. The USER agrees to respect all Intellectual Property rights over the CONTENT and the elements used in the SITE of which GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS is the titleholder.



The USER commits to follow to the letter any instruction given by GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS or by personnel authorized by GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS that is linked to the SITE, in connection with any mechanism or procedure implemented for the use of the SITE and the CONTENT. The USER shall only follow instructions given by GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS.



The USER is responsible for any loss and/or damage of any nature caused by him/her for breaching these TERMS OF USE or any applicable regulations, and therefore releases GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS from any civil, criminal, administrative liability or any other type of liability. Without prejudice to the preceding paragraph, in the event that GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS is sanctioned or sentenced by a competent authority in any proceeding relating to civil, criminal, administrative liability or any other type of liability, it shall notify the USER responsible, who shall pay GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS the amount to which it has been ordered to pay, as well as the costs, fees and other expenses so incurred, within 15 calendar days following the notice. In case of delay of payment within such term, THE USER agrees to pay GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS as penalty, an amount equal to the principal amount.



To use or enjoy some of the CONTENT it is necessary for the USER to provide in advance to GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS certain data of a personal nature (hereinafter PERSONAL DATA) that GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS could manage by automation or not. The USER, by accessing the SITE or any of the CONTENT in which the PERSONAL DATA are required, is authorizing GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS to undertake analyses and studies based on them. The USER agrees to provide true and reliable PERSONAL DATA, and if he/she wishes not to give them in the parts of the SITE where they are requested, he/she shall refrain from using that or those parts or sections of the SITE. In the event that the USER gives false or confusing information, GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS may deny him/her access to the SITE and to the CONTENT within it, without prejudice that it may demand from him/her the applicable indemnifications. By providing his/her PERSONAL DATA in the SITE, the USER is authorizing GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS to release to any competent authority the respective information, in case such information is requested through the appropriate legal means. GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS will not share any personal information that has been provided, with third parties, unless it is required to provide a service or a product requested by the USER.




By simply accessing the SITE, the USER recognizes and accepts that the use of the same and of the CONTENT, is under his/her exclusive and strict responsibility, thus GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS will not be at any time and under any circumstances, responsible for any malfunction or problem that occurs in the computer equipment (hardware) or computer programs (software) used by the USER to access or browse any part of the SITE.



Disclaimer of Guaranties and Liability for the Functioning of the SITE and the CONTENT, virus and other harmful elements: GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS does not control and does not guaranty the absence of viruses in the CONTENT, and the absence of other elements in the CONTENT that can cause modifications in the computer system of the USER (software and/or hardware) or in the electronic documents and files stored in his/her computer system.



GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS authorizes the USER to use the SITE exclusively under the TERMS AND CONDITIONS expressed herein, without so implying that it grants the USER a license or authorization whatsoever or any other type of right other than the use abovementioned with respect to the "Intellectual Property" of GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS. "Intellectual Property" shall be understood as all trademarks registered and/or used in Mexico or abroad by GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS, as well as all rights over inventions (patented or not), industrial designs, utility models, confidential information, trade names, commercial advertisement, rights reserved, domain names, as well as all types of property rights over works and creations protected by copyright and any other forms of industrial or intellectual property recognized or that becomes recognized by the relevant laws.



GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS reserves the right to deny or revoke access to the SITE and/or the CONTENT at any time and without prior notice, on its own initiative or at the request of any person, for any reason, to any USER including without limitation to those USERS who misuse the SITE, any of its parts or sections or the CONTENT, or who breach, in whole or in part, these TERMS OF USE or the PARTICULAR CONDITIONS that may apply.



The SITE and the CONTENT have an indefinite duration. However, GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS may terminate, suspend or discontinue, at any time and without prior notice, the SITE and/or any of the CONTENT.



*Form. The USER accepts that a printed version of these TERMS AND CONDITIONS, and of any communication sent and/or received in electronic form will be admissible as evidence in any judicial and/or administrative proceedings. *Applicable law and jurisdiction. For all matters related to the interpretation and compliance of that provided hereunder, by simply accessing the SITE, the USERS agree to submit to the applicable laws and to the jurisdiction of the competent courts in Mexico, and waive any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them by reason of their present or future domiciles, or for any other reason.



In the event that any of the TERMS AND CONDITIONS expressed herein is deemed unenforceable or is declared null or invalid in accordance with applicable law, it shall be replaced with a term or condition that is valid and that can accomplish with greater rigor the objective of the unenforceable provision or the provision that has been declared null or invalid. The rest of the terms and conditions will continue in full force.



Any right not expressly conferred upon in this document is deemed reserved to GRUPO MULTIMEDIOS.

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